This article is a summary on how to install the VBox 5.2 Guest Additions for a CentOS 7 guest OS. In order to install the Guest Additions, we needed to prepare the guest operation system by installing various programs need by the installer.

$ yum install bzip2 tar gcc make perl kernel-devel-$(uname -r) 

Afterwards, we can mount the additions disk. Click on Devices->Insert Guest Additions CD imageā€¦. This will put the installation disk into a virtual optical drive, here /dev/sr0. Mount the image with

$ mkdir /tmp/guest_additions
$ mount /dev/sr0 /tmp/guest_additions

Finally, run the Guest Additions setup with

$ /tmp/guest_additions/

If the previous command exits without any errors, then the Guest Additions were installed successfully.

The whole process can be automated by running a ready-made script:

$ curl -fsSL -o
$ sudo bash